Turkey Real Estate Statistics for 2019
It has become known to any followers of real estate news in Turkey what this market is witnessing from a continuous rise, especially in the share of foreigners who want to have apartments in Turkey in general and in Istanbul especially, which reflects the confidence of these in the Turkish real estate world with great attractiveness to foreign investors who They are interested in the price indicators of real estate in Istanbul and follow them with passion.

Turkish real estate market in 2019:
Looking at the Turkish real estate market statistics for 2019, it is confirmed that this market is one of the most important and strongest markets in the world, and since the beginning of this year, the statistics issued by the National Statistical Institute in Turkey confirmed that in February alone, foreigners bought 3357 properties while they had purchased in the same month In the year 2018, there were about 1758 properties, thus achieving a 91% increase in foreign sales.
And this increase continued until the middle of this year, as more than 4000 properties were sold to foreigners in July of 2019, and the number of properties sold in August reached more than 3,600. For more details of the statistics for the first half of 2019, read this post.
Real estate in turkey sales to foreigners in the first five months of 2019 were about $ 2.33 billion.
The movement of real estate sales in the past year was active in a way that confirms the stability of this sector in facing challenges, as statistical indicators recorded the sale of more than a million properties in the whole country, and the high rate of foreign sales reached about 81%, due to many reasons, the most important of which are:
Laws and government facilities that motivate investors to enter this world with confidence.
The appropriate investment environment surrounded by an atmosphere of economic and political stability.
The low exchange rate of the Turkish lira against foreign currencies, which made real estate prices very cheap and available to investors who use different currencies.
Prices for cheap Turkish real estate, especially in Istanbul, compared to real estate prices in European capitals, which encourages many foreigners to search for apartments for sale in Istanbul at cheap prices.
Turkey citizenship by owning real estate investment, and the law of granting Turkish citizenship by turkey real estate investment, which is an essential goal that pushes foreigners to enter the real estate world of Turkey Istanbul to gain the benefits of advantage of Turkish citizenship.
Infrastructure development in Turkish cities in general and in Istanbul in particular, with projects such as the Istanbul Canal and the new Istanbul Airport in place.
Istanbul is at the top of the list of cities that are best selling real estate in all of Turkey, and there are many modern and diverse projects that provide multiple opportunities that give the interested person the option of searching for apartments for sale in Istanbul by installments or in modern complexes or in the city center or its outskirts. Istanbul alone has achieved a 50% increase in its sales to foreigners compared to 2017 and 2018.
Expert expectations for the Turkish real estate market for 2020:
The real estate sector is, as we have indicated, one of the most important economic sectors in the country and one of the most developed and expanded, especially with the strong current capabilities and past numbers to rise, which confirm the strength of investment in this area and its safety, and the Turkish economy is growing stronger with the projects announced by the government Huge and ambitious goals are achieved by 2023.
With the big incentives surrounding Turkish real estate, the huge real estate offerings, the success and reliability of marketing companies, real estate experts expect that the year 2020 will be a year in which the rate of increase in growth will continue, and experts confirm that this continuity is guaranteed to increase the real estate prices in Istanbul and throughout the country. Time now makes the most convenient time to buy your property in turkey with ample opportunity to profit, according to observers.

They also expect the real estate market in 2020 to open up to new Asian markets, especially as China enters the world of Turkish real estate investments.
The Turkish “Gyoder” Corporation had expected the value of properties sold to double in 2020, assuming the real estate sector would earn $ 20 billion in the New Year.
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There is no doubt that the real estate market in Istanbul is the first market in Turkey, and that entering this market is suitable for investors who wish to achieve profit within the widest and most secure options. We are waiting for your contact to provide you with the advice and advice necessary to reach your optimum choice, Contact us now.