Returning to the Normal Life in Turkey
The first infection with Corona virus (Covid 19) was announced in Turkey in March of the year 2020, and the Turkish state has taken many precautionary measures to limit the effects of the pandemic that has caused a lot of damage worldwide. The scientific body of the Turkish Ministry of Health has worked to strengthen and update the preventive measures that must be followed, while constantly monitoring the rate of spread of the virus and its mutations. Over the past year and a half, official Turkish institutions have implemented a set of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
The Turkish state’s efforts to curb the global pandemic have paid off. The Turkish Ministry of Health recently recorded a clear decrease in the number of HIV infections, and this achievement was achieved after the “complete closure” period that lasted three consecutive weeks between April 29 and May 17.
As a result, the Turkish Ministry of the Interior announced the easing of the conditions of the complete closure in preparation for a return to normal life, so it issued a circular to 81 states easing the curfew measures starting from five in the morning on Monday, May 17 until June 1, provided that the curfew continues In the aforementioned period from nine in the evening to five in the morning and from Monday to Friday, and that the curfew begins at the end of the week from nine in the evening from Friday to five in the morning of Monday.

The circular of the Turkish Ministry of Interior granted an exception for the elderly (65 years and over) to leave their homes within the specified hours in the event that they received the Corona vaccine. While young people (18 years and under) can leave the house within the specified hours without requiring them to receive the vaccine, while these two categories are not allowed to use public transportation.
The circular allowed kindergartens and nurseries to continue their activities as of Monday, June 17, provided that the rest of the school levels continue distance education for this school year.
“Flexible work” procedures continued to be applied in public institutions, whose working hours remained from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon.
While cafes, cinema halls, Internet cafes, swimming pools, stadiums and gyms continued to be closed until the first of June.
With regard to the food and beverage sector, customers were allowed to order and receive from home or receive the order from the restaurant, from seven in the morning until eight in the evening, while receiving customers inside the restaurant remained prohibited. The home delivery service will continue from eight in the evening until midnight.
As for shops, they were allowed to open their doors from ten in the morning until eight in the evening from Monday to Friday, and to be closed on Saturday and Sunday.
The second phase of the return to normal life began on Sunday, May 31, as restaurant working hours were extended until ten in the evening, and the curfew was completely abolished.
The third phase will begin next July, and life will return to normal almost completely, as it will be allowed to hold weddings with some restrictions, and open places such as cafes and restaurants until midnight.
Safe tourism in Turkey and the return of real estate investment
With the start of the tourism season in Turkey this summer, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Turkey confirmed the continuation of the “safe tourism” program that it imposed at the beginning of this year, and the program obliges all tourist facilities to follow the conditions and criteria for obtaining a “safe tourism certificate”, and these measures are based on ensuring of the health status of both visitors and workers and following the previously described standards during the stages of transferring and hosting visitors.
The certificate of safe tourism applied by the Ministry of Tourism has contributed to Turkey’s top in the list of preferred countries for holidays in light of the continuing Corona pandemic.
Despite the spread of the Corona epidemic and the global embargo, large numbers of foreign tourists flocked to Turkey during the recent period. In 2020, Turkey received about 16 million tourists, while the volume of tourism revenues during the same year amounted to about 12 billion and 59 million US dollars. According to the data of the Turkish Statistics Authority.
It is expected that Turkey will receive this year large numbers of tourists than the numbers that were received last year, especially since the vaccination process will play an important role in increasing the activity of the tourism movement throughout the country, and the return of the real estate investment movement, especially for foreigners, is expected in conjunction with the activity of the tourism sector.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Turkey, or if you have any questions about the real estate sector in Turkey, and are looking for a reliable and experienced company in the Turkish real estate sector, we are ready to help you make the best choice, Call Now.