The Number of Turkish Citizenship Holders Through Real Estate Investment
The new Turkish citizenship law has paved the way for real estate investment in Turkey, so the foreign investors have invested in real estate in particular, as it is the easiest, cheapest, most flexible and guaranteed profit on Turkish citizenship.

The real estate market in Turkey has witnessed successive leaps that made it a prominent sector in the Turkish economy, and a very important element of attraction for foreign investors who showed great interest in the amendments made by the Turkish government to the law of obtaining Turkish citizenship by owning a property where the amount of turkey real estate investment was reduced from One million dollars to 250 thousand dollars, and the amendments provided many facilities for foreigners to facilitate the process of purchasing real estate in Istanbul.
There is no doubt that the desire to obtain advantage of Turkish citizenship was a fundamental reason for these investors’ appetite for the real estate market and their continuous search for apartments for sale in Turkey or Istanbul.

About 2700 investors have applied for turkey citizenship by owning real estate investment:
The number of those who applied for Turkish real estate citizenship in one year reached about 2700 investors, according to the General Directorate of Souls and Turkish Citizenship Affairs, and in September of 2018, 981 people obtained Turkish citizenship after the amendments made to the Law on Granting Turkish Nationality.
In the year 2019, in which the construction boom continued in Turkey, investors continued to search for apartments for sale in Istanbul, and real estate sales in the first three months of this year amounted to about ten thousand properties. While Iraqis continued to top the list of the most foreigners who buy real estate in Turkey within the developments of the real estate market in 2019.
And the number of Iraqis who obtained Turkish real estate citizenship in 2019 reached (327) investors, followed by Afghans by (240) investors, then the Palestinians (170) investors, the Egyptians (110) investors, the Libyans (66) investors, and the Lebanese (44) Investors, then the Saudis (29) investors.
The strength of the Turkish passport, as confirmed by experts following Turkish citizenship, is the main element in attracting these aspiring investors to carry this passport, which is ranked 39th globally and 18 Europeans, which allows its holder to enter 72 countries without an entry visa.
An investor wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship through owning a property in turkey can take advantage of this property during the three years that he is required to keep the property in by renting it out, and you can start citizenship procedures immediately after obtaining the title deed Tabu, and the process usually takes between 45 to 60 days.
If you are interested in obtaining Turkish citizenship and holding this strong passport, you only need to contact us to take advantage of our services that we offer you to find the appropriate property to obtain Turkish citizenship and after-sales services that lead you to your language until you receive the Turkish passport with your hand, Contact us now.